Watch the video for Why Bury Me in the Graveyard?

Calendar - Chapter II
℗ 2023 The Dogan
Amid recording the songs for what he thought was Calendar - Chapter II, Lomax approached friend and fellow songwriter, Lobelia Lawson about working on songs for the long term follow up Phase III. Such was the chemistry when the two sat down to write that 5 songs songs were written in the first morning of work! As the album unfolded so naturally, these songs were fast-tracked, and jumped the queue to become Chapter II. A live, in the room, alt-folk album of exquisitely crafted storytelling songs over lush string arrangements.
"Sad yet satisfying, sinister yet sanguine... it captures the hard-hitting reality of mortality, whilst remaining hopeful."
- Louder Than War
"Soul satisfying and filled with purpose and wonder." - ASBO Magazine
"How beautiful is that?" - Will Wolstenholme, BBC Introducing
Calendar - Volume I
℗ 2022 The Dogan
Granfalloon's album Calendar - Volume I is the first instalment of a proposed triple album based on the demos of 2014's '52 Project'. It focuses more on traditional songwriting, and not quite traditional storytelling, to chisel out small, beautiful moments. It showcases this non-traditional storytelling with subject matter like... the meta-narrative approach to the dangers to you and the relationships around you that writing can have, expressing love through mathematical formulae, and 8 year old girls catching bees in Tupperware boxes, all with a heavy dose of Richard Lomax’s absurdism.
"would surely go down well with the fans of Badly Drawn Boy or Jim Noir" - Listen With Monger
"...enchanting little stories touching on the many idiosyncrasies of everyday life,
but with a dollop of quirky surrealism to keep them fun." - Eclectic Music Lover
"Granfalloon - what's not to love about that?!" - Chris Hawkins, BBC 6 Music
Night Time #3
℗ 2021 The Dogan
Part of the ongoing series of ambient electronic tracks from Granfalloon. Most of the series is Bandcamp Subscriber exclusive but this one gives a taste of the liminal sounds of the Night Time E.P.'s.
Positive Songs
℗ 2021 Cosmic Glue
"Music as a way of dealing with life's struggles and challenges and it helping you to come out the other side." - Even The Stars
"like a mix of Beck and the Polyphonic Spree, trying everything they can find in a music shop." - Wall of Sound
"...a reflective slice of expertly crafted optimism, bathed in some gorgeous blends of sounds that capture something of the spirit in the current Summer air." - Snack Mag
"It's good this... it's got a bit of British 60's psych and a bit of... err... uh... ah... something else! It's good!"
- Frankie Francis, Amazing Radio
"a hypnotic meandering almost dreamlike voyage that put me in mind off-beat bands like dEUS and Gomez." - Maximum Volume
℗ 2019 The Dogan
If Jarvis Cocker and Sufjan Stevens tick your boxes, then this quirky slab of off kilter pop from Manchester artist, Granfalloon, could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for. - Secret Meeting
"an exciting and catchy hybrid of experimental sounds... futuristic and cinematic." - Even The Stars
"simultaneously gentle and unsettling" - Music Close Up
Down There For Dancing
℗ 2017 The Dogan
"A lovely mass of chiming chords, deadpan wordplay and a wispy psychedelic otherness." - Now Then Magazine
"Impressive debut" - The Big Issue
"Het is echter niet eens zozeer de tekst als wel de muziek die ons ervan overtuigd heeft dat ook Nederland
in de ban van Granfalloon moet geraken." - Indebanvan (NL)
"Lomax is one of those artists that will persistently and consistently produce music of excellent quality without compromising for the benefit of mass appeal. This is art (without wanting to sound pretentious) and art sounds good in 2017."
- Listen With Monger
Richard Lomax & the Tontine
℗ 2016 Sotones Records
Now a Bandcamp Subscriber exclusive, this collection of singles for Sotones Records in 2016 features the tracks 'I Cycle', 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', and 'Choose Your Own Adventure'.
The 52 Project
Richard Lomax
℗ 2015 Independent
Lomax wrote and recorded 52 songs in one year. That's one a week throughout the year, written and recorded across the UK, Germany and Belgium. Some are good. Some are maybe best forgotten. The full 52-track album was released for a limited time in 2015.
Richard Lomax & the Tontine
℗ 2014 Dogface Records
Recorded live at the King's Arms. Historic music pub in Salford. Only vocals and Omnichords were overdubbed. Indulging Lomax's love for the surf and garage rock'n'roll bands of the 50's and 60's.
"Lomax has crafted a witty homage to the classic rock sounds of the 60s with an electronic twist through
frequent Omnichord cameos" - Soundsphere Mag
"Lomax has the voice of a Beatle born too late. Throughout the album it’s clear that one of Lomax’s strongest points is his songwriting. There’s a tendency to overload his songs with long struck sentences, chock full of detail that tell stories – stories about relationships and psychedelics, or maybe a relationship with psychedelics?" - Howl & Echoes
"I'd urge you to buy the album. I'd strongly urge it. I'd demand it, but I know that would be awfully forward of me. But seriously, this is a brilliant collection of songs. One of my favourite tracks on the entire albumen is 'Set Me Free' which has a super super bit of riffage in it, is brilliantly paced and catchy and had me dancing round the flat like a woman possessed (only the second time in my entire life that's happened - the first time was after a glass of Um Bongo at the school disco when I was 6).
- The General Music Blog
Diary of a Liar
℗ 2013 Sotones Records
Johnny5thwheel&thecowards were active from 2010-2013 and based in the NorthWest of England. A surrealist collective of musicians, artists, poets and film-makers fronted by Richard Lomax. God Is In The TV Zine placed their debut album 'TalesOf...' in their Top 30 albums of 2010, making many other end of year lists as well. The follow up 'Music To Shake'n'Shuffle To' (2012) equally made a lot of critics end of year lists. FFO: Bonzo Dog Band and Harry Nilsson
"This brand new single sounds like The La’s and early Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci pitted against each other
in a psychedelic ’60s monster movie, for which it can only be commended." - Rocksucker
"Brilliant, compelling, stark raving bonkers" - Sounds XP
"I think I’m fairly confident in saying that you probably won’t hear too many tracks like this in 2013. ‘Diary of a Liar’ is sprinkled with pixie-dust harpy sounds, breathy vocals, lo-fi drum machine and just a little bit of brilliance. Please listen. 8/10" - Tasty Fanzine
℗ 2012 Sotones Records
Compilation of songs taken from Johnny5thWheel's first two albums: 'TalesOf...' & 'Music To Shake'n'Shuffle To'.
"Johnny5thWheel&thecowards have crafted one of the finest folk-pop records I've heard all year...
A charming, witty and superb album. 5/5" - God Is In The T.V. Zine
'"TalesOf...Johnny5thWheel&thecowards' is a work of genius." - Whisperin' & Hollerin
"Music that wouldn't sound out of place in a Wes Anderson film." - Drunken Werewolf