Watch the video for Why Bury Me in the Graveyard?

Become a member of our Granfalloon and gain access to a ton of music
Greetings from the world of Granfalloon...
I've been creating weird and wonderful music for the world at large since the mid 2000's and formed Granfalloon as a vehicle to tell stories and make music in October 2016. Since then Granfalloon has released 6 full length albums of storytelling alt-folk (alt-everything) and a host of other projects (ambient electronica, David Lynch tributes, collaborative songwriting groups).
Each one of my albums is painstakingly crafted with amazing musical collaborators, all of whom to some degree make their living from music. And they all need (deserve) to be paid for the work they put into creating these surrealist collections.
To that end, I launched a subscription service for my music on Bandcamp in 2021 (granfalloonmusic.bandcamp.com/subscribe) - the uptake on if was such that it made sense to give it a home on Patreon as well.
Join the Granfalloon and support on Patreon
Join the Granfalloon and support on Bandcamp
The money you pledge here will go into ensuring that Granfalloon can continue to make music, and that the people involved can be paid fairly for their incredible contributions.
RLx (GF)