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Introducing the Positive Songs Project

Photo by Ged Bland

Some of you may remember back in 2014 I set myself the task of writing, recording and releasing a song a week... well... I'm kind of at it again!

The Positive Songs Project was instigated by the wonderful musician Lobelia after our conversations of my previous 'song-a-week' project and the suspicion that post-C-vid Lockdown (which we are in the heart of, as I type!) will lead to a deluge of songs about isolation and loneliness, sadness and misery. I have written about all of these subjects A LOT and I love many, many, MANY songs that are about these subjects but Lo and I wanted to challenge ourselves to write one positive song a week during this Lockdown (These Uncertain Times... These Strange Times... These Sesquipedalian Times...). Hopefully it will challenge us and improve our skills.

And the best thing is that the project is open to anyone who wants to join in! Simply write a song and then go to the Positive Songs site and submit it. You don't have to do every week (but it's definitely fun to try!) - each week they'll all be posted up and we can listen to each others and share... a little community eh?

Learn more about the project here:

And check out Lobelia's music here:

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