Today's exclusive release for Bandcamp and Patreon supporters is the 5th installment of my Night Time series. The Night Time's are generally ambient and electronic in nature, and designed to be listened to on headphones at night.

The track, which is called 'Washington Squares', was originally made for a project called @citiesandmemory. They're an organisation who pair photogaphers and musicians so that musicians might create music to accompany their #SoundPhotography collection.
Find out more about them here:
It was very interesting to get back to my roots & work on a soundscape. (Little known fact... my educational background is in "Sonic Arts"*.)
I was paired with a photograph of a scene in Washington Square in #Binghamton, New York by @julianguevara. I've always been fascinated from afar by New York. I took New York based samples (thank you Gershwin) and dreamed big New York City dreams.
Of course, such is the nature of the outsider's view where the foreign seems so exciting and alluring. I only discovered during the creation of the track that Binghamton isn't in New York City. It's not even CLOSE to New York City. O ye of little knowledge.
As such, I've always thought of this track as having that sensation of encountering dreams not living up to their expectation baked into its DNA.**
The project was extremely rewarding & even got a little write up in @thequietus. The only time I've ever been written about in the Quietus***
Here's a taste of the track...
To hear the whole kaleidescopic journey and to gain access to everything released under the Granfalloon name (and more) you can support the music at and
I also want to warn anyone who might have known the magical singer/songwriter/human being, Jo Rose, that a sample of his voice appears in this track. Jo tragically passed away this year. I was planning on releasing this earlier in the year but I thought to delay as it was a struggle listening to his voice as I was mixing it.
The track features the tail end of a conversation I was having with him and Caoilfhionn Rose**** in the beer garden of a bar called Dulcimer. I was telling them about this track I was working on, about my own ignorance of the size and geography of the USA, and pontificating on the nature of that faraway glamour even the words "New York" seem to exude. From there, Jo and Caoilfhionn began discussing New York City itself so I whipped my phone and started recording them with the idea that it might make an interesting addition to this piece of music.
Be warned, it's a weird one out there.
* Read pretentious avant-garde noise exploration.
** That and my own ignorance.
*** If only tangetially.
**** No relation.