Not the best of years is putting it mildly. But I'm aware that I was able to engage in a lot of excellent, fulfilling creative projects... Most Granfalloon news updates occur on the various social media pages dotted across the web-o-sphere but as we begin 2021 I wanted to cast my eye back to remind myself of the good things I was able to be a part of.
In March of 2020, myself and wonderful songwriter, Lobelia Lawson started a songwriters group with the aim of writing new, positive music. We named it the Positive Songs Project. It grew to over a hundred members from around the world and was responsible for the writing of over 300 songs. I wrote an album in the 12 weeks that followed and I am currently preparing it for release this year. It features not only some of favourite musicians but also some my favourite material I've written.
Then in April, Granfalloon received some very welcome support from Tom Robinson at BBC 6Music with airplay for the song EGO from 2019 album RGB. I was also invited to play on Shell Zenner's new music show, Zessions. Watch my performance here.
In the second half of the year I put on an open recording session to record a live, acoustic version of RGB... I performed and recorded the whole album to a select, socially distant crowd. It is currently being mixed and you can pre-order it now from the Granfalloon Bandcamp. For a limited time you can watch some of the show before it becomes available only for my Bandcamp Subscibers.
2021 will see the official release of both Positive Songs and the acoustic, live album as well. I'll also be filming the recording of another album, this time with a full band.
Another highlight of 2020 was the work I was asked to do coordinating an event for Culture Champions. Sending two brass bands charging around Stretford to bring live music to those who may not be able to access it otherwise was immensely heartening. Check out Mr Wilson's Second Liners who I was fortunate enough to escort.
My next stream will be on the first Friday of the month over at my Twitch channel. Subscribe to be notified when I go live. See you soon!