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Night Time #3

I have a new Granfalloon release out today! And if you're the first to guess what inspired the colour scheme of this cover art you can have a free download code for it!

Night Time #3 is an album of electronic pieces written in February 2021.

I decided to make this 3rd volume in the Night Time series available for general release rather than Subscriber Only so that you can have a taste of the sort of thing these Night Times involve. They're different from my song and story based work but hopefully they'll tickle some of your fancies. If you're a Subscriber already (you're ace, thanks) then you'll have instant access to this as well as future releases.

If you would like to own everything in the collection, sign up as a Subscriber on Bandcamp at...

Out Of Time kickstarts this collection with a shuffling skiffle tantrum that I've mixed into some retro-futurist broken beats (matched by the artwork... can you guess what inspired the front cover's colour scheme?)

Diskokix moves towards that more meditative sound I mentioned but keeping that retro-futureman feel shooting off up into space like a Buck Rogers jumpsuit fresh from the year 2525.

The last track on this E.P. is Lo Siento, Spanish for "I'm sorry" although more literally, it translates to mean "I feel it". I feel this is one of my favourite things I've made. At 11 minutes plus, tt's certainly one of the longest There's a sample I took direct from my little dansette record player squeaking as it revolves and I find the noise to be be spine tingling so I had to stick it in here.

So... spine tingling squeaks and jumpsuits. If you have to describe it to someone in 5 words or less...

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